"Приидите, поклонимся..."
Cherubical Hymn
Hail, Theotokos Virgin
Достойно есть
«Достойно есть»
Communion Verse
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent
Диакон Сергий Трубачев. "Да возрадуется душа твоя о Господе"
We Have Seen the True Light
O Come, Let Us Worship
Let My Mouth Be Filled With Thy Praise
Behold, the Bridegroom Comes in the Middle of the Night
Hail, Theotokos Virgin
"Буди имя Господне..."
We Have Seen the True Light
Hail, Theotokos Virgin
Gospel Sticheron
O Heavenly King
"Видехом Свет истинный..."
O Come, Let Us Worship
To Thee, O Theotokos
Let My Mouth Be Filled With Thy Praise
Петр Чайковский. Трисвятое
Praise Ye the Name of the Lord
Communion Verse
Thou Has Given the Adornment to Thy Church, O Lord
Thou Has Given the Adornment to Thy Church, O Lord
From My Youth Up
"Тон деспотин" (знаменный распев), "Исполла эти" (заключительное демество)
Praise Ye the Name of the Lord
O Thou, the Only Begotten Son
Hail, Theotokos Virgin