Oh Lord, what is the meaning of this?
ACT IV - Scene 1 'A God-forsaken thicket in the forests of Kerzhenets': Oh, I can't go on, Grishenka
Get away, clear off, you dog!
Radiant kingdom! O God!
Gayda! Gay! Stop, you godless heathens
As soon as the marksmen came out into the open field
Is that you, radiant light of my eyes?
Вступление и симфоническая картина из третьего действия оперы "Сказание о невидимом граде Китеже и деве Февронии", Похвала пустыне
Hey lads! I can hear some bells
The free birds are tonight up their voices
So what is that to us?
Wondrous queen of heaven, our holy protectress
Over the bridges of guelder-tree
O glory, vain wealth
Entr'acte to Scene 2
Whose child are you? Where have you come from?
The bridegroom has come
Tell me, fair maiden, do you go to pray in God's church?
Go, servant of the Lord!
May the grace of God be with you!
Scene 2 'The city of Kitezh wondrously transformed': The doors of paradise have opened for you
Сеча при Керженце (Опера «Сказание о невидимом граде Китеже и деве Февронии», акт 3)
Сказание о невидимом граде Китеже — Хождение в невидимый град, действие IV
Hail to thee, lips of honey
Grishenka, even though you are feeble in mind
Earth, our merciful mother!
Oh, you Tartar Murzas! I don't need the gold or silver
ACT I - 'A Forrest near the town of Lesser Kitezh', Introduction: In praise of the Wilderness
Entr'acte to the second scene